
recipe recommendation API service

Primary LanguageKotlin

                         ______    _______  _______  ___   _______  _______  
                        |    _ |  |       ||       ||   | |       ||       | 
                        |   | ||  |    ___||       ||   | |    _  ||    ___|   
                        |   |_||_ |   |___ |       ||   | |   |_| ||   |___    
                        |    __  ||    ___||      _||   | |    ___||    ___|   
                        |   |  | ||   |___ |     |_ |   | |   |    |   |___    
                        |___|  |_||_______||_______||___| |___|    |_______|   
 ______    _______  _______  _______  __   __  __   __  _______  __    _  ______   _______  ______   
|    _ |  |       ||       ||       ||  |_|  ||  |_|  ||       ||  |  | ||      | |       ||    _ |  
|   | ||  |    ___||       ||   _   ||       ||       ||    ___||   |_| ||  _    ||    ___||   | ||  
|   |_||_ |   |___ |       ||  | |  ||       ||       ||   |___ |       || | |   ||   |___ |   |_||_ 
|    __  ||    ___||      _||  |_|  ||       ||       ||    ___||  _    || |_|   ||    ___||    __  |
|   |  | ||   |___ |     |_ |       || ||_|| || ||_|| ||   |___ | | |   ||       ||   |___ |   |  | |
|___|  |_||_______||_______||_______||_|   |_||_|   |_||_______||_|  |__||______| |_______||___|  |_|

recipe recommendation API service for the following:

  • recommend recipes
  • search recipes



  • Webflux - Reactive, Non-Blocking IO, Async
  • Kotlin - Functional, Coroutine
  • Elasticsearch

Get Started

Recipe Recommender API service is deployed on public container instances of AWS ECS.
So, it is possible only on Prod to connect with AWS ES on Private Subnet.
In order words, It is impossible to connect with AWS ES on Dev. In development, we launch ES locally with docker-compose.


# build image -> run elasticsearch -> migrate recipe data
> docker-compose up --build

# run server
