
maintained plugin?

bwp91 opened this issue ยท 8 comments

bwp91 commented

Hi @SANdood and @beniaminrychter - tagging you both as you both are listed as contributors to this repo ๐Ÿ˜

I'm from the homebridge team and just wondered if this plugin is still maintained?

If it is not, would you consider transferring this repo (and the npm package) to the homebridge unmaintained repo?

It basically means that someone else can continue the hard work under the homebridge-purpleair name at some point if they wish!


@SANdood if you log into npmjs.com and make me the owner of the package, then I can take it over ๐Ÿ‘

My username is tillkruss.

bwp91 commented

@SANdood if you are happy to continue, please:

  1. transfer the github repo to the homebridge plugins repo (you can do this via repo settings, and transfer in the 'danger zone at the bottom' - I haven't done this recently so if it looks safer to transfer it to me then also happy with this, my username is bwp91
  2. add me as a collaborator on the npm repo via the settings page on the package page. again, my username here is bwp91
bwp91 commented

I can see number (1) is complete now, but I don't see number (2). Did you add me as a collaborator to the package via the npmjs.com website?


bwp91 commented

sorry, yes, email had gone to spam ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป