
basic docker images of mine

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT LicenseMIT

Basic Docker Images


For better debugging, these images were expanded with ping,telnet,dig,nano,wget, ....

  1. alpine-base alpine, +bash, ping, telnet, dig, ...

  2. ubuntu-mod ubuntu, +bash, ping, telnet, dig, ...

  3. redis-mod redis, +bash, ping, telnet, dig, ...


  1. etcd-std etcd, +etcdkeeper(-mod), +db (mysql:8), +cache (redis 5), ...

  2. monitor +grafana, +prometheus, ...

  3. nacos-std nacos, +mysql(master+salve), +grafana, +prometheus, ...

    • nacos-local nacos, +mysql(master+salve), +grafana, +prometheus, ...
  4. elasticsearch-std elasticsearch, +cerebro, ...

  5. skywalking-std skywalking

  6. zipkin-std zipkin, +zipkin-mysql, +grafana, +prometheus, ...

  7. kafka-std kafka, +zookeeper, +zk-web ...

  8. mysql-master-slave mysql: master + slave


# start premetreus and grafana
make run-monitor

# start nacos (and an embedded mysql master+slave)
make run-nacos

# start zipkin (and an embedded mysql)
make run-zipkin

# start etcd, mysql 8 (for biz-logic), and redis 5
make run-etcd

# start elasticsearch
make run-es

# start skywalking (after `make run-es`)
make run-skyw

# ...

nacos guide

  1. starting them

    make run-monitor
    make run-nacos
    # ...

    open http://localhost:8848/nacos and login with nacos/nacos.


  2. initialize nacos monitor data

    following this guide:

skywalking guide

  1. starting them

    make run-es
    make run-skyw
    # ...

    open http://localhost:18080/.

zipkin guide

  1. starting them

    make run-monitor
    make run-zipkin
    # ...

    open http://localhost:9411/.


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