- 0
- 1
roomlist.cgi returns unknown room names
#96 opened by hermann-59 - 4
Getting Device Names by ise_id
#94 opened by adb336 - 1
- 2
rssilist.cgi returns unknown device
#92 opened by ThorstenDtk - 1
state.cgi mit device_id - unvollständige Ausgabe beim Aufruf mit curl von der commandline
#91 opened by n0braist - 3
- 1
xml-api answers with not_authenticated in v2.3
#89 opened by f1dot4 - 2
rssilist.cgi listet nur HM Geräte auf
#88 opened by drose28357 - 5
Limit tokens to specific actions
#87 opened by stephandue - 1
- 2
Ein HmIP-SM55-2 liefert im XML keinen Helligkeitswert, obwohl dieser im UI angezeigt wird.
#85 opened by drose28357 - 7
- 1
- 1
Neuen Token selbst vorgeben
#81 opened by Maik2208 - 0
programactions.cgi not working anymore
#80 opened by smezger123 - 7
- 0
devicelist.cgi: search device by ise_id
#71 opened by adb336 - 0
Rückgabe statechange.cgi um Erfolg erweitern
#74 opened by Maik2208 - 40
statelist.cgi wird nicht angezeigt
#68 opened by Schnubby666 - 1
#77 opened by weichi4711 - 1
mastervalue.cgi sends incorrect xml
#73 opened by biglouis - 2
- 3
Problem with comma separated value
#66 opened by uniforx - 1
- 2
- 0
- 1
Add watchdog alarms to systemNotification.cgi or add alarmNotification.cgi
#50 opened by HolgerJeromin - 0
ScriptErrors kommen nicht als XML zurück
#49 opened by HiranChaudhuri - 0
xmlapi/sysvarlist.cgi verursacht je Text- und Logikvariable zwei ReGaHss Einträge im Log
#45 opened by Michael-K-at-GitHub - 0
Fenster Sensor HM-Sec-SC-2 auslesen
#42 opened by Daniel167 - 2
- 0
- 4
Fehler bei xmlapi/state.cgi?
#54 opened by loethon - 1
HmIP-WRC2 & HmIP-WRCR not reporting values
#67 opened by ThisIsTenou - 2
- 1
HM Programm läuft via runprogram.cgi nur teilweise – im CCU-WebUI aber problemlos
#57 opened by Wookbert - 1
- 11
- 0
fehlerhafte Ausgabe bei state.cgi
#76 opened by ssbingo - 3
inconsistent path's in README and rc.d script
#40 opened by Yannik - 8
Fehler bei state.cgi
#43 opened by Gerti1972 - 7
TinyMatic Sync-Issue since 1.21?
#65 opened by kangaroo72 - 1
- 0
XML-API keine Werte
#59 opened by StefanTR96 - 2
- 0
- 8
Timestamps von Homematic IP Komponenten fehlerhaft
#47 opened by 5NineN - 2
Falsche Timestamps bei Homematic IP Komponenten
#48 opened by 5NineN - 3