- 2
- 2
- 1
1.9.2 is the same commit hash as 1.9.1
#407 opened by johanneskastl - 0
Feature request: Support unified format like kubectl diff for difftool compatibility (Meld)
#408 opened by Llyth - 0
feat: configurable colours
#406 opened by justdan96 - 1
BUG: Change identification - order changed
#376 opened by YashPatil0706 - 0
More readable Ingress diff
#402 opened by Gelmir - 0
Preserve addition / modification / removal counts into the Report (and output in the header, or in brief, or via a new output)
#393 opened by csabatuz-chess - 7
Allow omitting whitespace only changes
#222 opened by clux - 0
- 1
- 0
Feature Request: Output the common part
#379 opened by zmx - 0
- 1
Support outputting "between" to yaml
#312 opened by vwbusguy - 3
Feature request: GitHub markdown compatible diffs
#325 opened by edjshelton - 0
- 1
Dyff only data of confimaps generated with suffix
#359 opened by blackjid - 0
Feature request: `.dyffignore`
#361 opened by jrauschenbusch - 0
- 0
- 3
convert from json to yaml have a bug
#342 opened by saturn99 - 0
- 8
dyff stutters when diffing some multiline documents
#264 opened by dhduvall - 6
Truncate/Filter Diff Output
#280 opened by whitleykeith - 0
Comments breaks nested indentation
#329 opened by lindhe - 1
- 2
Feature request: aarch64/arm64 binaries
#317 opened by evanstucker-hates-2fa - 5
Tab completion
#311 opened by hansfn - 1
Restore release of Windows binaries
#293 opened by mloskot - 0
Comment breaks yaml output
#310 opened by jleader - 2
[bug] Wrong version in latest release
#287 opened by gabyx - 1
Retain color codes when piped?
#304 opened by edobry - 1
`dyff yaml` incorrectly converts boolstring to bool
#309 opened by ripta - 0
Ability to exclude additions
#298 opened by zendesk-slowery23 - 1
- 2
- 2
Replace `` package
#271 opened by HeavyWombat - 2
used as a library
#256 opened by yxxhero - 5
Configure listItemIdentifierCandidates via settings
#243 opened by gmcelhoe - 1
Exclude based on value
#242 opened by akselleirv - 1
- 5
Support Missing Blocks on Dyff
#234 opened by shaharr-ma - 1
category of YAML diff?
#238 opened by pavt - 2
- 8
- 1
Support a new output: unified format
#213 opened by souleb - 5
HumanReport output with additions including multiple '_' treats them as formatting directives in output
#225 opened by dlmather - 0
- 1
- 3
dyff yaml does not sanitize "," in output values
#209 opened by asford