
Bluetooth Low Energy DLS (Double Location Service) for BLE SOC modules from EByte

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Bluetooth Low Energy DLS (Double Location Service) for BLE SOC modules from EByte

The service includes characteristics with the coordinates of the location of local and remote devices, as well as a number of characteristics for configuring modules. Personal firmware provides the same service functionality for all BLE modules based on SOC from different manufacturers.

Simplified module connection diagram

Module connection diagram

BLE DLS description

UUID UUID Description Value or Value Description
0x2800 GATT Primary Service Declaration 13:D6:12:50:FC:2D:03:87:5E:46:CA:94:00:14:82:7B
0x2803 GATT Characteristic Declaration 10:10:00:13:D6:12:50:FC:2D:03:87:5E:46:CA:94:01:14:82:7B
0x7B82140194CA465E87032DFC5012D613 Device Location 44 Bytes
0x2902 Client Characteristic Configuration Write 01:00(Notifications) 02:00(Indications)
0x2803 GATT Characteristic Declaration 10:10:00:13:D6:12:50:FC:2D:03:87:5E:46:CA:94:02:14:82:7B
0x7B82140294CA465E87032DFC5012D613 Remote Location 44 Bytes
0x2902 Client Characteristic Configuration Write 01:00(Notifications) 02:00(Indications)
0x2803 GATT Characteristic Declaration 0A:16:00:13:D6:12:50:FC:2D:03:87:5E:46:CA:94:03:14:82:7B
0x7B82140394CA465E87032DFC5012D613 Settings 14 Bytes
0x2803 GATT Characteristic Declaration 0A:18:00:13:D6:12:50:FC:2D:03:87:5E:46:CA:94:04:14:82:7B
0x7B82140494CA465E87032DFC5012D613 AES Key 16 Bytes
0x2803 GATT Characteristic Declaration 02:1A:00:13:D6:12:50:FC:2D:03:87:5E:46:CA:94:05:14:82:7B
0x7B82140594CA465E87032DFC5012D613 LoRa Module Name Variable ASCII text string up to 30 Bytes
0x2803 GATT Characteristic Declaration 02:1C:00:13:D6:12:50:FC:2D:03:87:5E:46:CA:94:06:14:82:7B
0x7B82140694CA465E87032DFC5012D613 LoRa Core Name Variable ASCII text string up to 30 Bytes
0x2803 GATT Characteristic Declaration 10:1E:00:13:D6:12:50:FC:2D:03:87:5E:46:CA:94:07:14:82:7B
0x7B82140794CA465E87032DFC5012D613 RSSI of Noise 2 Bytes
0x2902 Client Characteristic Configuration Write 01:00(Notifications) 02:00(Indications)
0x2803 GATT Characteristic Declaration 10:21:00:13:D6:12:50:FC:2D:03:87:5E:46:CA:94:08:14:82:7B
0x7B82140894CA465E87032DFC5012D613 RSSI of Last Packet 2 Bytes
0x2902 Client Characteristic Configuration Write 01:00(Notifications) 02:00(Indications)


typedef struct
  uint16_t year;
  uint8_t  month;
  uint8_t  day;
  uint8_t  hours;
  uint8_t  minutes;
  uint8_t  seconds;
} geo_date_time_t;

typedef struct
  uint8_t          satellites;
  int32_t          latitude;             // 1e-7
  int32_t          longitude;            // 1e-7
  uint32_t         horizontal_accuracy;  // 1e-2
  int32_t          altitude;             // 1e-2
  uint32_t         vertical_accuracy;    // 1e-2
  int32_t          bearing;              // 1e-2
  uint32_t         bearing_accuracy;     // 1e-2
  int32_t          speed;                // 1e-1
  uint32_t         speed_accuracy;       // 1e-1
  geo_date_time_t  utc_time;
} geo_location_t;


typedef struct
  uint32_t  frequency;
  uint8_t   bandwidth;
  uint8_t   spreading_factor;
  uint8_t   coding_rate;
  uint8_t   interval;
  int16_t   rssi_channel_busy;
  int32_t   magnetic_declination;
} ble_dls_remote_settings_t;


typedef struct
  uint8_t   aes_key[16];
} ble_dls_remote_aes_key_t;


typedef struct
  int16_t   rssi;
} ble_dls_rssi_t;


List of tested BLE SOC modules from EByte:

Module SOC CPU core DLS firmware Toolchain
E104-BT53A1 EFR32BG22C112F352 ARM Cortex-M33 IAR EW ARM
Simplicity Studio
E73-2G4M08S1C nRF52840 ARM Cortex-M4F IAR EW ARM
nRF5 SDK 17.1.0
E73-2G4M08S1E nRF52833 ARM Cortex-M4F IAR EW ARM
nRF5 SDK 17.1.0
E104-BT52 DA14531 ARM Cortex-M0+
E79-400DM2005S CC1352P (Rev.E) ARM Cortex-M4F
E72-2G4M05S CC2640 ARM Cortex-M3
E104-BT51 CC2640R2F ARM Cortex-M3
E104-BT54S BLUENRG-355MC ARM Cortex-M0+

E104-BT53A1 (EFR32BG22C112F352)

Top View:


Wiring (for flashing):

  • Module Pin 14,15 -> VCC
  • Module Pin 16,17 -> GND <- J-Link GND
  • Module Pin 6 -> J-Link SWCLK
  • Module Pin 7 -> J-Link SWDIO

Wiring (for operation):

  • Module Pin 14,15 -> VCC
  • Module Pin 16,17 -> GND
  • Module Pin 3 (USART0_TX) -> ISOC UART RxD
  • Module Pin 4 (USART0_RX) -> ISOC UART TxD
  • Module Pin 20 (USART1_TX) -> GNSS UART RxD
  • Module Pin 21 (USART1_RX) -> GNSS UART TxD

E73-2G4M08S1C (nRF52840)

Bottom View:


Wiring (for flashing):

  • Module Pin 19 -> VCC
  • Module Pin 21 -> GND <- J-Link GND
  • Module Pin 39 -> J-Link SWCLK
  • Module Pin 37 -> J-Link SWDIO

Wiring (for operation):

  • Module Pin 19 -> VCC
  • Module Pin 21 -> GND
  • Module Pin 14 (UARTE0_TX) -> ISOC UART RxD
  • Module Pin 16 (UARTE0_RX) -> ISOC UART TxD
  • Module Pin 1 (UARTE1_TX) -> GNSS UART RxD
  • Module Pin 2 (UARTE1_RX) -> GNSS UART TxD

E73-2G4M08S1E (nRF52833)

Bottom View:


Wiring (for flashing):

  • Module Pin 19 -> VCC
  • Module Pin 21 -> GND <- J-Link GND
  • Module Pin 39 -> J-Link SWCLK
  • Module Pin 37 -> J-Link SWDIO

Wiring (for operation):

  • Module Pin 19 -> VCC
  • Module Pin 21 -> GND
  • Module Pin 14 (UARTE0_TX) -> ISOC UART RxD
  • Module Pin 16 (UARTE0_RX) -> ISOC UART TxD
  • Module Pin 2 (UARTE1_TX) -> GNSS UART RxD
  • Module Pin 4 (UARTE1_RX) -> GNSS UART TxD