Sprint Challenge: Operating Systems and Scheduling

Short Answer Questions

Add your answers inline, below, with your pull request.

  1. Name at least three things that a general-purpose operating system is responsible for handling.

Operating systems: - Schedule processes to be executed - Coordinates operations of attached I/O devices, such as speakers, keyboard, mouse, etc. - Keeps the machine secure by separating admin privileges and other user accounts

  1. Describe the job of the Scheduler in the OS in general.

The Scheduler determines which process will get attention from the CPU and the order that they end up getting executed. It also allocates time for each process to get executed based on how important the Scheduler thinks they are.

  1. Describe the benefits of the MLFQ over a plain Round-Robin scheduler.

The MLFQ is 'smart'; it learns over time what processes will take more time to be executed, and longer ones are pushed down into lower-priority queues so high-priority processes can be executed faster. Round-Robin is more equal in the execution of processes; it gives the same amount of time to each process, regardless of its importance.

Programming Exercise: The Lambda School Shell (lssh)

Important Safety Tip: Resist the urge to start coding until you:

  1. Read this complete challenge


  1. Inventory the code and figure out what needs to be written where.

Task 1: Implement the Ability to Execute Arbitrary Commands

This program implements a new shell that you can use to run commands from in Unix, similar to bash!

At the end of the day, you should be able to run your shell, then run commands within it like in the following example.

NOTE: you do not need to implement the ls or head commands! These already exist in Unix. Your goal is to write a program that runs them with exec() when the user types in their names. And also the shell should be able to run any command, not just ls and head.

[bash]$ ./lssh 
lambda-shell$ ls -l
total 32
-rwxr-xr-x  1 beej  staff  9108 Mar 15 13:28 lssh
-rw-r--r--  1 beej  staff  2772 Mar 15 13:27 lssh.c
lambda-shell$ head lssh.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>

#define PROMPT "lambda-shell$ "

#define MAX_TOKENS 100
#define DEBUG 0  // Set to 1 to turn on some debugging output
lambda-shell$ exit

General plan of attack is to:

  • Loop until the user exits.
    • Print a prompt.
    • Read a line of input from the keyboard.
    • Parse that line down into individual space-separated parts of the command.
    • Fork a child process to run the new command.
    • Exec the command in the child process.
    • Parent process waits for child to complete.

Most of the shell's boilerplate is already written, but you'll have to implement the logic of it.

Examine the lssh.c file and:

  • Determine which parts of the program do what.
  • Read the header comments.
  • Find the parts you need to implement.
  • Come up with an individual plan of attack for each of those parts.
  • Determine how to exit the shell.
  • What happens if you build it?
  • What happens if you run it?

Hint: you probably want one of the exec variants that has the p suffix on it so that the PATH will be searched for the file you're trying to run. Choose your exec variant carefully. Some will be hard-to-impossible to use. Some will be easy.

When you get this working, you will have your own shell. It's not as full-featured as bash by any means, but it is a legitimate shell and the core is the same as any other shell.

If you finish early, look at extra credit to start implementing more features.

Task 2: Implement the Ability to Change Directories with cd

In bash, you can change directories with the built-in cd command.

Each process keep track of which directory it is running in, and the shell is no exception. Each process can change its current directory, as well.

Why is cd built into the shell? Why can't it run as an external command?

Because it is built in, you should check to see if the user entered cd in args[0] before running the command. And if they did, you should short-circuit the rest of the main loop with a continue statement.

Look at the implementation of the built-in exit command for inspiration.

You can use the program pwd to see what directory you are in.

Example run:

lambda-shell$ pwd
lambda-shell$ cd src
lambda-shell$ pwd
lambda-shell$ cd ..
lambda-shell$ pwd
lambda-shell$ cd foobar
chdir: No such file or directory

If the user entered cd as the first argument:

  1. Check to make sure they've entered 2 total arguments
  2. Run the system call chdir() on the second argument to change directories
  3. Error check the result of chdir(). If it returns -1, meaning an error occurred, you can print out an error message with:
    perror("chdir"); // #include <errno.h> to use this
  4. Execute a continue statement to short-circuit the rest of the main loop.

Note that . and .. are actual directories. You don't need to write any special case code to handle them.

Be sure to think about where this functionality should live in the file. The order of execution of the code matters!

Stretch Goal 1: Background Tasks

In bash, you can run a program in the background by adding an & after the command.

ls -la &

Add similar functionality to lssh by checking to see if the last argument is an &.

If it is:

  1. Strip the & off the args (by setting that pointer to NULL).
  2. Run the command in the child as usual.
  3. Prevent the parent from wait()ing for the child to complete. Just give a new prompt immediately. The child will continue to run in the background.

In every instance of the main loop after the user hits RETURN, you should wait in a loop to reap any background zombies that have died in the meantime. You can use a loop do this with without blocking like so:

// Wait for any other processes that have ended in the
// meantime. A more correct solution would be to listen for the
// SIGCHLD signal and wait for zombies at that point.
while (waitpid(-1, NULL, WNOHANG) > 0)

The above (empty) loop will just call waitpid() repeatedly until there are no more zombies to reap. Then the program continues on.

What happens if you don't do this?

Mini stretch challenge: wait for the SIGCHLD signal and put the above while loop in there instead.

Note that you might get weird output when doing this, like the prompt might appear before the program completes, or not at all if the program's output overwrites it. If it looks like it hangs at the end, just hit RETURN to get another prompt back.

Stretch Goal 2: File Redirection

In bash, you can redirect the output of a program into a file with >. This creates a new file and puts the output of the command in there instead of writing it to the screen.

ls -l > foo.txt

Check the args array for a >. If it's there:

  1. Get the output file name from the next element in args.
  2. Strip everything out of args from the > on. (Set the args element with the > in it to NULL).
  3. In the child process:
    1. open() the file for output. Store the resultant file descriptor in a variable fd.

    2. Use the dup2() system call to make stdout (file descriptor 1) refer to the newly-opened file instead:

      int fd = open(...
      dup2(fd, 1);  // Now stdout goes to the file instead
    3. exec the program like normal.

Note that depending on your umask, the newly-created file might not be actually readable by you. If you can't read it, run chmod 600 filename on the new file and then you'll have permission.

Stretch Goal 3: Pipes

In bash, you can pipe the output of one command into the input of another with the | symbol.

For example, this takes the output of ls -l and uses it as the input for wc -l (which counts the number of lines in the input):

ls -l | wc -l

This uses the pipe() system call.

Use a process similar to the above extra credit challenges, along with this description of how to implement pipes in C to get pipes implemented in lssh.