
pip install scrapy

cd webby_scraper/scraper

scrapy crawl craigslist_spider

then you will see data in webby_scraper/scraper/scraper.db

setup new ubuntu server

sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3-pip -y && pip3 install scrapy feedparser

start spider

cd /home/ubuntu/webby_scraper/scraper

# start rss spider
nohup python3 > /dev/null &

# start normal spider
nohup python3 > /dev/null &

stop spider

kill daemon or daemon

change url

edit /home/ubuntu/webby_scraper/url.ini

reset data


cd /usr/local/src/webby_scraper/scraper

sqlite3 scraper.db

delete from scraper_craigslist;


Web front-end & Web server

  1. Add comments field ✅
  2. Add filter on the left : all, per keyword and then last filter is "spam" which got filtered ✅
  3. Add save tick-box✅
  4. Add delete tick-box (mark it for deletion and don't display it anymore) ✅
  5. Add archive tick-box (it will save and hide the entry. compared to save which just saves it) ✅
  6. Change the list to exclude entries marked for deletion ✅
  7. Add notifications capability
  8. web server back-end should purge anything not marked for save at midmight CDT each day. (To avoid the database getting to big)✅
  9. Add a 2nd page called "archive" ✅ - a. This shows stuff which older than the current day - b. has a search field to search old entries - c. Create a 2nd table or possibly even a 2nd database for this. This is poor man way to ensure that the current day database stays fast.


  1. Add support for pulling RSS field instead of scraping✅
  2. Convert crawler from script to daemon ✅
  3. Add start/stop scripts for init
  4. Add round robin IP rotation
  5. Add random user-agent rotation ✅
  6. Add random referrer URL ✅
  7. daemon should read to 2 ini format files: a. keywords file b. regions file ✅
  8. keywords file has 2 properties: keyword and interval of how often to scrape Note: we may want to add a filters field to remove negative keywords
  9. regions file is just a list of regions ✅

webby TODO(20190620)

  1. Why is z1 test missing after many hours?✅

  2. We need to refine search for each keyword for example exclude cars for everything except corvette

  3. Add notifications

  4. Check why doesn't display correctly on iOS / the left side navigation is missing✅

  5. Remove the word "keywords" from the left✅

  6. Make links that have been visited purple✅

  7. Setup 24 instances of crawler so that it scans 2x per second

  8. Add some ban detection and alert us if crawler is having a problem

  9. When you filter + paging may not be working correctly. Check for bugs✅

  10. Bulk page operation.. how to delete a full page of results