
Crypto AI Bot

Primary LanguagePython


AICryptoBot is artificial intelligence crypto trading algorithm (bot) based on machine learning and deep learning. Program is written in python to generate cryptocurrency trading strategies. Some ideas and solutions are taken from project https://github.com/owocki/pytrader

Optimization of machine learning methods

The optimization is based on a random search with a Bayesian optimization which use hyperparameter fitting for each algorithm. The optimizations select a proper method and a preprocessing pair, the selected method is then optimized using a second random grid search to fit the hyperparameters for that method.


Validation of overfitting is performed based on hyperparameter fitting


Set proper values in API_settings.py to enable connection to poloniex crypto exchange, google data, reddit scrapering poloniex_API_key = ""
poloniex_API_secret = ""
google_username = ""
google_password = ""
client_id = ""
client_secret = ""
user_agent = 'Python Scraping App'

Install Windows

conda create -n tensorflow-p2 python=3.6
conda activate tensorflow-p2
conda install numpy pandas matplotlib tensorflow jupyter notebook scipy scikit-learn nb_conda
conda install -c auto statsmodels
pip install arch polyaxon pip instal scrapy, praw, bs4, nltk pip install keras
for other missing peckages use pip install