#Spring Security Mongo

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Library to provide full implementation of all the repositories and provider necessary to have all the security persisted in MongoDB.

  • ApprovalStore
  • ClientDetailsService
  • ClientRegistrationService
  • TokenStore
  • UserDetailsManager
  • ClientTokenServices

##How to use it

Add as dependency to your project and then use the beans in your Spring Oauth2 Configuration

Step 1

Add this annotation to your configuration class:

public class MongoSecurityConfiguration {


Having this annotation will define in your spring context all the necessary to use this library.

Step 2

define the following properties in your app:


Creating users manually in Mongo DB

You can produce the json to create in your mongo instance the users by executing some of the integration tests or just insert this json:

Mongo User

    "_id" : "testuser",
    "_class" : "uk.co.caeldev.springsecuritymongo.domain.User",
    "password" : "testpassword",
    "userUUID" : LUUID("03479d48-93cf-5e55-974f-842eb0200ca8"),
    "authorities" : [ 
            "role" : "ROLE_USER",
            "_class" : "org.springframework.security.core.authority.SimpleGrantedAuthority"
    "accountNonExpired" : true,
    "accountNonLocked" : true,
    "credentialsNonExpired" : true,
    "enabled" : true

Mongo Client Detail

    "_id" : "testclient",
    "_class" : "uk.co.caeldev.springsecuritymongo.domain.MongoClientDetails",
    "clientSecret" : "testclientsecret",
    "scope" : [ 
    "resourceIds" : [ 
    "authorizedGrantTypes" : [ 
    "registeredRedirectUris" : [ 
    "authorities" : [ 
            "role" : "ROLE_CLIENT",
            "_class" : "org.springframework.security.core.authority.SimpleGrantedAuthority"
    "accessTokenValiditySeconds" : 30000.0000000000000000,
    "refreshTokenValiditySeconds" : 30000.0000000000000000,
    "additionalInformation" : {},
    "autoApproveScopes" : [ 