
Creating RestApi with secured manner

Primary LanguageRuby

To Do

  1. Prerequisite
  2. Create an Open API
  3. Test API using CURL
  4. Add authentication in API

Tables Involved

user user_educations user_workplaces friends pictures status videos comments


  1. Install Ruby 2.7.0
  2. Install Rails 6.0.4

Create an Open API

 rails new test_api --api

Test API using CURL

CURL - client URL Request. It is CLI tool to receiving data from URL

-X - It denotes HTTP verb -H - It will denote Header (Content-Type: appication/json)

curl -X GET
curl -X POST -d "user[name]=honesttest&user[password]=iiiiii"
curl -X PUT -d "user[name]=honesttest&user[password]=iiiiii"
curl -X DELETE

Add authentication in API

  1. HTTP Basic Authentication http_basic_authenticate_with name: "me", password: "@home" - Use at controller

  2. Authenticate with Username and password

     SHA1(digest/sha1) and bcrypt algorithms for Encryption
  3. Authentication as a Service (AZURE and AWS providing IAM) Authentication handed over trusted third party like FB, Google and so on. It will happen via OAuth

  4. Token Authentication - JWT(Json Web token)

  5. CSRF Token Authentication - It will avoid CSRF attack from hacker

  6. LDAP Authentication (Light Directory Access Protocol) -> This is suitable for database will store authentication information

RAILS API with JWT Token

  1. Add Below Gems

    gem 'rack-cors' # It prevents api call from unknown origin .Use Rack CORS for handling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), making cross-origin AJAX possible
    gem 'bcrypt' # Hasing the password for user. (Encryption Library) Use Active Model has_secure_password
    gem 'jwt'