First install Node.js and at least one of the following database clients:
It is highly recommended to also run a MySQL instance so all of the minigolf applications functionalities can be fully appreciated.
Make sure one of the database clients is running. You can find the databases inside the databases folder.
For Neo4j just start the installed client, choose the database location in the client window and hit start. The credentials for the test database are neo4j:passwort
//Mongo setup
Open the command line tool inside the project folder. Now run
npm install
This will install all the dependencies required to run the server. Afterwards start the server with
npm start
To switch the resolver you want to use just open schema.js
and change the comments preceding the resolver import at the top of the file.
To access the graphical interface of the server go to localhost:8080/graphiql
To learn more about GraphQL queries and mutations visit the GraphQL docs.
All collections can be found in the databases/minigolf-mongo folder in both a .json and the more reliable .bson format.
Use the following commandline program shipped with MongoDB to import the collections.
mongorestore -d minigolf -c collection_name path/file.bson