
This repo provides a demo to get dense correspondences from images for beginners, depending on the libraries of Detectron2 and DensePose, thanks.

Primary LanguagePython


This repo provides a demo to get dense correspondences from images for beginners, depending on the libraries of Detectron2 and DensePose, thanks.

Visualizations for CSE

Input Image CSE

Note: These images are derived from DensPose LVIS.


This code works well on MacOS and Linux, after following settings:

  1. install torch >= 1.9.0

  2. install Detectron2 (See Details)

  3. install DensePose:

pip install git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/detectron2@main#subdirectory=projects/DensePose

Note: You may uninstall cv2 before installing Detectron2, to avoid some erros.


You can get more examples from Detectron2.