
Library to make hitting the Google Photos api easy

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Wrapper around the google photos API. The API reference can be found here.

Getting Started

Construct an object with the google auth token. All actions performed on this instance of photos will use the auth token the object was constructed with. Read the section below on getting an authtoken with the required scopes.

const Photos = require('googlephotos');

const photos = new Photos(your_google_auth_token);


This package doesn't authentication itself. We suggest using the official google nodejs library. Here are their instructions.

Use the library to get the auth token for the scopes you will need. Read this to figure out what scopes you will need.

The scopes are available on the Photos object to make your life easier.

Quick access Scope Use
Photos.Scopes.READ_ONLY https://www.googleapis.com/auth/photoslibrary.readonly Only reading information. Sharing information is returned only if the token has sharing scope as well.
Photos.Scopes.APPEND_ONLY https://www.googleapis.com/auth/photoslibrary.appendonly Only add photos, create albums in the user's collection. No sort of read access.
Photos.Scopes.READ_DEV_DATA https://www.googleapis.com/auth/photoslibrary.readonly.appcreateddata Read access to media items and albums created by the developer. Use this with write only.
Photos.Scopes.READ_AND_APPEND https://www.googleapis.com/auth/photoslibrary Access to read and write only. No sharing information can be accessed.
`Photos.Scopes.SHARING https://www.googleapis.com/auth/photoslibrary.sharing Access to sharing information.

You can figure out your client id, secret and redirect url by going to the Google Cloud Console and navigating to APIs -> Credentials.

const {google} = require('googleapis');
const Photos = require('googlephotos');

const oauth2Client = new google.auth.OAuth2(YOUR_CLIENT_ID, YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET, YOUR_REDIRECT_URL);

const scopes = [Photos.Scopes.READ_ONLY, Photos.Scopes.SHARING];

const url = oauth2Client.generateAuthUrl({
  // 'online' (default) or 'offline' (gets refresh_token)
  access_type: 'offline',

  // If you only need one scope you can pass it as a string
  scope: scopes,

// Send the user to the url from above. Once they grant access they will be redirected to the
// the redirect URL above with a query param code in the redirect. Use the code below to get the
// access token.

const {tokens} = await oauth2Client.getToken(code);

// The token from above can be used to initialize the photos library.



The default page size used is 50 and pageToken is ignored if not passed in.

const response = await photos.albums.list(pageSize, pageToken);
// const response = await photos.albums.list(pageSize);
// doSomethingWithResponse(response);


const response = await photos.albums.get(albumId);
// doSomethingWithResponse(response);


const response = await photos.albums.create('Your Album Title');
// doSomethingWithResponse(response);


The addEnrichment call either accepts a JSON you construct, or you can use the Enrichment helper classes as part of this module to construct an enrichment.

const albumPosition = new photos.AlbumPosition(photos.AlbumPosition.POSITIONS.FIRST_IN_ALBUM);
const textEnrichment = new photos.TextEnrichment('some text');
const response = await photos.albums.addEnrichment(albumId, textEnrichment, albumPosition);

Or with plain JSON

const albumPosition = {
  position: 'FIRST_IN_ALBUM',
const textEnrichment = {
  textEnrichment: {
    text: 'Some Text',
const response = await photos.albums.addEnrichment(albumId, textEnrichment, albumPosition);

Shared Albums


Default pageSize is 50 and pageToken is optional.

const response = await photos.sharedAlbums.list(pageSize, pageToken);
// doSomethingWithResponse(response);


const response = await photos.sharedAlbums.join(shareToken);
// doSomethingWithResponse(response);



const response = await photos.mediaItems.get(mediaItemId);
// doSomethingWithResponse(response);


const response = await photos.mediaItems.upload(albumId, fileName, filePath, description);
// doSomethingWithResponse(response);


Supports uploading an array of file objects at once from a single directory, file descriptions are optional. Supports an optional requestDelay, which pauses execution for the specified time (milliseconds) after 50 requests to google photos upload api. This is to prevent the api from rejecting requests for making too many requests per minute.

const files = [
  {name: 'myself.jpg', description: 'any description you want'},
  {name: 'someone-else.png'},

const requestDelay = 1000;

const response = await photos.mediaItems.uploadMultiple(albumId, files, directoryPath, requestDelay);
// doSomethingWithResponse(response);


A search can either fetch the contents of an album or search with filters. Either way default page size is 50.

Searching with an album ID

const response = await photos.mediaItems.search(albumId, optionalPageSize, optionalPageToken);
// doSomethingWithResponse(response);

Searching with filters.

const filters = new photos.Filters(includeArchivedMedia);

// Adding a date filter.
const dateFilter = new photos.DateFilter();
dateFilter.addDate(new Date('2018/05/15'));
dateFilter.addRange(moment().subtract(10, 'days'), moment().subtract(5, 'days'));

// Adding a content filter.
const contentFilter = new photos.ContentFilter();

// Adding a media type filter filter (all, video or photo)
const mediaTypeFilter = new photos.MediaTypeFilter(photos.MediaType.ALL_MEDIA);

const optionalPageSize = 20;

const response = photos.mediaItems.search(filters, optionalPageSize);
// doSomethingWithResponse(response);