
Official repository of the paper: Who Wrote this Code? Watermarking for Code Generation (ACL 2024)

Primary LanguagePython


**updated (3/4/2024)** Our paper and repo are updated: DS-1000 benchmark is included, a new baseline (EXP-edit) is included for reproducing the main results. Experiments of using surrogate model, variable renaming, and detectability@T will be added.


Official repository of the paper:

"Who Wrote this Code? Watermarking for Code Generation" by Taehyun Lee*, Seokhee Hong*, Jaewoo Ahn, Ilgee Hong, Hwaran Lee, Sangdoo Yun, Jamin Shin', Gunhee Kim'

main table

Pareto Frontier

Reproducing the Main Experiments

1. Generating watermarked machine-generated code, calculating pass@k and detecting watermarks

We conducted our (main) experiments by separating them into generation and detection phases. However, anyone wanting to run both phases with a single command removes the --generation_only argument.

For EXP-edit with a high entropy setting, please set top_p=1.0 and temperature=1.0.

generation phase

bash scripts/main/run_{MODEL}_generation.sh

detection phase

bash scripts/main/run_{MODEL}_detection.sh

2. Detecting watermarks in human-written code

bash scripts/main/run_{MODEL}_detection_human.sh

3. Calculating Metrics (AUROC, TPR)

With both metric output files from machine-generated and human-written codes, we calculate metrics including AUROC and TPR and update the results to OUTPUT_DIRECTORY.

python calculate_auroc_tpr.py \
    --task {humaneval,mbpp} \
    --human_fname OUTPUT_DIRECTORY_HUMAN \
    --machine_fname OUTPUT_DIRECTORY


This repository is based on the codes of bigcode-evaluation-harness in BigCode Project.


If you have any questions about our codes, feel free to ask us: Taehyun Lee (taehyun.lee@vision.snu.ac.kr) or Seokhee Hong (seokhee.hong@vision.snu.ac.kr)