Continue Training BERT with transformers
Continue Training BERT in the vertical field
This repository is just a simple example of bert pre-training
- load pretrained weight
- continue training
- Using transformers DataCollator class
- Using transformers Tokenizer class
- Using transformers Model class
- Using transformers Trainer class
- Implement tokenizer class
- Implement bert model structure (class)
- Implement bert embedding、encoder and pooler structure
pip install transormers
NOTICE : Your data should be prepared with two sentences in one line with tab(\t) separator
This is the first sentence. \t This is the second sentence.\n
Continue Training \t BERT with transformers\n
1.Using transformers model BertForPreTraining
- inputs
- input_ids # [sentence0, sentence1] the original index based on the tokenizer
- token_type_ids # [0, 1] zero represent sentence0
- attention_mask # [1, 1] The areas that have been padded will be set to 0
- labels # [....] masked, real index
- next_sentence_label # [0 or 1] zero represent sentence0 and sentence1 have no contextual relationship
- ...
- outputs
- loss # masked_lm_loss + next_sentence_loss, predict masked loss and next sentence loss
- prediction_logits
- seq_relationship_logits
- ...
2.Using transformers model BertForMaskedLM
- inputs
- input_ids
- token_type_ids # [1,1] unused
- attention_mask
- labels
- ...
- outputs
- loss # masked_lm_loss
- logits # prediction_score