Bee In Berlin - A Berlin Public Ticket Recommendation Application

  • Is it your first time in Berlin?
  • Do you see that the Berlin public transport map is complicated?
  • You know what Berlin public transport zones are, but you don't know which ticket fits your plan and time, don't you?
  • You know the ticket you want to buy in English but does not know it in German and how much does it cost?
  • => This small application can help you. You just need to answer some questions according to your plan -> We give you the information of the ticket!
  • Visit the website to find a suitable ticket for your trips in Berlin:

What's tech stack used to build the application?

  • JavaScript
  • React
  • Redux
  • CSS

How to run the application

  • Step 1: Clone or download the app: git clone
  • Step 2: Enter the app directory: cd bee-in-berlin
  • Step 3: Install dependency packages: npm install or yarn add (make sure you already have Node, npm/yarn installed)
  • Step 4: Run the app: npm start or yarn start
  • Step 5: Enjoy finding your Berlin public transport ticket

Decision Tree

  • The app is based one sligtly complicated decision tree.
  • Depending on the anwer from users for each question, a decision is made behind the scenes.
  • There are 18 questions in the question pool. The answers of users can lead to one of the 9 family tickets (in total 46 tickets - note some tickets have the same price between reduced and normal fares).

Plans for future developmet

  • Due to current restriction in time, no unit testing is available. Jest and Enzyme will be used for implementing unit testion.
  • Plain text for the recommended ticket will be replaced by ticket image
  • Some tickets and questions have not yet been implemented due to the complexity of the decision tree
  • Styles need to be improved
  • The normal import of the seeds (json data files) needs to be replaced by Webpack-dev-server

Mistakes and Challenges

  • Created many questions and tickets that led to the complexity of the decision tree -> time consumption
  • First time using Tailwind CSS -> mixed with normal CSS
  • Implemented Redux in this small application

Directory Structure

|   .gitignore
|   package-lock.json
|   package.json
|       favicon.ico
|       index.html
|       logo192.png
|       logo512.png
|       manifest.json
|       robots.txt
    |   index.css
    |   index.js
    |   reportWebVitals.js
    |   setupTests.js
    |       index.js
    |       types.js
    |   +---App
    |   |       App.css
    |   |       App.js
    |   |       App.test.js
    |   |       index.js
    |   |
    |   +---NameModal
    |   |       index.js
    |   |       NameModal.css
    |   |       NameModal.js
    |   |
    |   +---Navbar
    |   |       bvg-logo.png
    |   |       index.js
    |   |       Navbar.css
    |   |       Navbar.js
    |   |
    |   \---Questionnaire
    |           decisionTree.js
    |           index.js
    |           Questionnaire.css
    |           Questionnaire.js
    |       index.js
    |       initialAppReducer.js
    |       updateUserAnswerPoolReducer.js