
MySQL 5.7 on CentOS 7

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MySQL 5.7 Docker

Latest build: 2017-09-28

Build Status


mysql 5.5 | mysql 5.6 | mysql 5.7 | mysql 8.0 | mariadb 5.5 | mariadb 10.0 | mariadb 10.1 | mariadb 10.2 | mariadb 10.3 | percona 5.5 | percona 5.6 | percona 5.7

MySQL 5.7 Docker on CentOS 7


This docker image is part of the devilbox


Environmental variables

Required environmental variables

Variable Type Description
MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD string MySQL root user password of either existing database or in case it does not exist it will initialize the new database with the given password.

Optional environmental variables

Variable Type Default Description
DEBUG_COMPOSE_ENTRYPOINT bool 0 Show shell commands executed during start.
Value: 0 or 1
TIMEZONE string UTC Set docker OS timezone.
Example: Europe/Berlin
MYSQL_SOCKET_DIR string /var/sock/mysqld Path inside the docker to the socket directory.

Used to separate socket directory from data directory in order to mount it to the docker host or other docker containers.

Mount this directory to a PHP container and be able to use mysqli_connect with localhost.
MYSQL_GENERAL_LOG bool 0 Turn on or off general logging
Corresponds to mysql config: general-log
Value: 0 or 1

Default mount points

Docker Description
/var/lib/mysql MySQL data dir
/var/log/mysql MySQL log dir
/var/sock/mysqld MySQL socket dir
/etc/mysql/conf.d MySQL configuration directory (used to overwrite MySQL config)
/etc/mysql/docker-default.d MySQL configuration directory (used to overwrite MySQL config)

Default ports

Docker Description
3306 MySQL listening Port


1. Listen on loopback interface only

$ docker run -i \
    -p \
    -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw \
    -t cytopia/mysql-5.7

# Access MySQL from your host computer
$ mysql --user=root --password=my-secret-pw --host= -e 'show databases;'

2. Enable logging

Enable logging and mount the log directory to your host to ~tmp/mysql-log

$ docker run -i \
    -p \
    -v ~tmp/mysql-log:/var/log/mysql \
    -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw \
    -t cytopia/mysql-5.7

# Access MySQL from your host computer
$ mysql --user=root --password=my-secret-pw --host= -e 'show databases;'

3. Mount MySQL socket to the host

Use MySQL socket for localhost connections through the socket. No need to expose the MySQL port to the host in this case.

$ docker run -i \
    -v ~tmp/mysql-sock:/var/sock/mysqld \
    -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw \
    -t cytopia/mysql-5.7

# Access MySQL from your host computer via socket
$ mysql --user=root --password=my-secret-pw --socket=/var/sock/mysqld/mysqld.sock -e 'show databases;'

4. Overwrite configuration

You can also add any configuration settings prior startup to MySQL.

# Create local config with buffer overwrite
$ printf "[mysqld]\n%s\n" "key_buffer = 500M" > ~/tmp/mysqld_config/buffer.cnf

$ docker run -i \
    -p \
    -v ~/tmp/mysqld_config:/etc/mysql/conf.d \
    -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw \
    -t cytopia/mysql-5.7

MySQL Configuration overview

Configuration files inside this docker are read in the following order:

Order File Description
1 /etc/my.cnf Operating system default
2 /etc/mysql/conf.d/ Custom configuration (level 1). Can be mounted to provide custom *.cnf files which can overwrite anything of the above. (used by the devilbox for its base configuration)
3 /etc/mysql/docker-default.d/*.cnf Custom configuration (level 2). Can be mounted to provide custom *.cnf files which can overwrite anything of the above. (used by the devilbox to allow custom user-defined configuration overwriting the default devilbox settings.



mysqld Ver 5.7.19 for Linux on x86_64 (MySQL Community Server (GPL))