
LearningToCompare, Few shot learning in text

Primary LanguagePython


implement "StructuredSelfAttention" + "RelationNetwork" for few shot learning of text


more data via manual annotation or data arguement
more features via transfer learning
more train via meta learning
less parameters and other robust


10000 step 300dim    
embeeding +cosine  0.54   
embedding+ attn + cosine 0.65
embedding+ attn + concat not converge
bert tokenize...


  1. Few-Shot Text Classification with Induction Network https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.10482
  2. Learning to Compare: Relation Network for Few-Shot Learning https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.06025 https://github.com/floodsung/LearningToCompare_FSL
  3. A Structured Self-attentive Sentence Embedding https://arxiv.org/abs/1703.03130 https://github.com/kaushalshetty/Structured-Self-Attention
  4. corpus https://github.com/fate233/toutiao-multilevel-text-classfication-dataset
  5. char_vector https://github.com/Embedding/Chinese-Word-Vectors