
Software Testing and Debugging (Special Issue in CSEE), 2021 Fall

Software Testing and Debugging (Special Issue in CSEE), 2021 Fall

Course information

Course Objectives

This instance of Special Topic 1 will explore the basics and the advances of software testing and debugging techniques. Software testing and debugging is the most critical activity in software engineering practices. Last two decades, many automated techniques have been proposed to alleviate the limitations of labor-intensive, ad-hoc software testing practices. This course aims to provide students with the theoretical and the practical basis to understand the science and engineering of software testing and debugging and introduce the recent topics in automated software testing research.

Course Overview

The semester consists of two modules. The first module introduces the basic concepts of software testing and debugging in the first eight weeks. In the first module, students are expected to understand how testing is related to other activities of the software development process, procedural aspects of software testing and debugging, and basic methods to model program structures and execution. In addition, there will be a quick overview of computation theory to give students the essential theoretical background behind all these discussions. Along the lectures, four lab sessions will be given to help students have concrete understanding on the learnt concepts.

The second module will cover the techniques for automating software testing and debugging in the remaining eight weeks. The topics include regression testing optimization, test generation, delta debugging, fault localization and multithreaded program testing. For each topic, one (or two) research papers will be appointed as the reading material, and the lecture will be given for students to understand the techniques concerned in the paper. Four lab sessions will be conducted for students to practice what they learned in the paper and the lecture.

Lecture Notes