
Primary LanguagePython

Girit CLI

Girit is a command-line tool that leverages OpenAI's GPT to convert natural language instructions into executable Git commands by analyzing your current repository state.


  • Repository Analysis: Automatically gathers Git status, diffs, remotes, and recent commits.
  • Natural Language Interface: Translates user-provided descriptions into Git commands.
  • Interactive Mode: Prompts for user selection when multiple command options are available.
  • CLI Packaging: Installable via pip for easy integration and use as a CLI tool.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository_url>
    cd girit
  2. Install the package:

    pip install .


  • OpenAI API Key:
    Girit requires an OpenAI API key to function. Set it in your environment:
    export OPENAI_API_KEY=your_api_key_here


Simply run the CLI tool:


Follow the prompt to input your Git command description. Girit will analyze your repository and execute the appropriate Git commands based on your input.


[2025-02-12 23:17:49] [INFO] 프로그램 시작
[2025-02-12 23:17:49] [INFO] 기본 명령어: 현재 깃 상태를 확인하고 필요한 작업을 제안해줘
[2025-02-12 23:17:49] [INFO] OpenAI API 요청 준비
[2025-02-12 23:17:49] [INFO] Git 저장소 정보 수집 시작
[2025-02-12 23:17:49] [CMD] 실행할 명령어: git status
[2025-02-12 23:17:50] [CMD] 실행할 명령어: git diff
[2025-02-12 23:17:50] [CMD] 실행할 명령어: git remote -v
[2025-02-12 23:17:50] [CMD] 실행할 명령어: git log --oneline -5
[2025-02-12 23:17:50] [INFO] Git 저장소 정보 수집 완료
[2025-02-12 23:17:50] [INFO] OpenAI API 호출
[2025-02-12 23:17:52] [INFO] OpenAI API 응답 수신 완료
[2025-02-12 23:17:52] [INFO] OpenAI 응답 처리 시작
[2025-02-12 23:17:52] [INFO] 처리된 명령어 목록: [{'name': 'execute_commands', 'arguments': {'commands': ['git pull origin main']}}]
[2025-02-12 23:17:52] [INFO] OpenAI 응답 처리 완료
[2025-02-12 23:17:52] [INFO] 명령어 실행 시작: 1개의 명령어
[2025-02-12 23:17:52] [CONFIRM] 명령어 실행 확인 요청: git pull origin main

실행할 명령어: git pull origin main
진행하시겠습니까? (y/n): y 
[2025-02-12 23:17:54] [EXEC] 명령어 실행: git pull origin main
https://github.com/hongsw/girit URL에서
 * branch            main       -> FETCH_HEAD
이미 업데이트 상태입니다.
[2025-02-12 23:17:55] [INFO] 명령어 실행 완료
[2025-02-12 23:17:55] [INFO] 프로그램 종료


Contributions are welcome! Please open issues or submit pull requests on GitHub.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.