DOC | English
Golang implementation of cryptographic algorithms
- crt: chinese remainder theorem
- hash_to_point: hash prime filed number to ecc point
- matrix: matrix operation mod P
- polynomial: polynomial operations, including Lagrange interpolation
- aes
- bls
- ecies
- paillier
- rsa
- sm2
- sm3
- Chameleon hash
- gc: garbled circuit
- yao: Yao's garbled circuit
- hd: hierarchical deterministic encryption
- he: fully homomorphic encryption
- bfv
- ring_sign: ring signature based on RSA
- linkable_ring_sign: linkable ring signature based on RSA
- ot: oblivious transfer based on RSA and ECC, supporting 1-out-of-2 and 1-out-of-n schemes
- bellare_micali: Bellare-Micali 1-out-of-2 OT
- bellare_micali_1_n: 1-out-of-n OT based on Bellare-Micali
- iknp 1-out-of-2^l OTE based on IKNP
- ot_rsa: 1-out-of-2 OT based on RSA
- pir: private information retrieval using homomorphic encryption and Lagrange interpolation
- psi: private set intersection using DH OPRF
- ss: secret sharing
- shamir: Shamir's secret sharing
- blakley: Blakley's secret sharing
- crt: secret sharing using CRT