
[WIP] 'ggplot2' extension for making pyschrometric charts

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‘ggplot2’ extension for making psychrometric charts.


You can install the development version from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")


The basic

Similar with ggplot2, the creation of a psychrometric chart using ggpsychro starts with function ggpsychro(). You can specify the range of dry-bulb temperature and humidity ratio using tab_lim and hum_lim and the unit system using units

ggpsychro(tdb_lim = c(0, 50), hum_lim = c(0, 50), units = "IP")

You can also create a mollier chart by setting mollier to TRUE.

ggpsychro(mollier = TRUE)

By default, only dry-bulb temperature, humidity ratio and the saturation line are plotted.

The style of the saturation and area above it can be further styled using sat_style and mask_style.

ggpsychro(mask_style = list(fill = "gray"), sat_style = list(color = "black", linetype = 2))


ggpsychro introduces new ggplot geoms to add 5 more grids onto the base plot:

Geom Type
geom_grid_relhum Relative humidity
geom_grid_wetbulb Wet-bulb temperature
geom_grid_vappres Vaper pressure
geom_grid_specvol Specific volume
geom_grid_enthalpy Enthalpy
ggpsychro() +
    geom_grid_relhum() +
    geom_grid_wetbulb() +
    geom_grid_vappres() +
    geom_grid_specvol() +

Each of the new geom come along with a corresponding scale_* which can be used to further customize the breaks of each grid

ggpsychro() +
    geom_grid_relhum(alpha = 1.0, label.alpha = 1.0, label.size = 6, label.fontface = 2) +
    scale_relhum(minor_breaks = NULL) +
    geom_grid_wetbulb(size = 1.0, color = "black", alpha = 1.0, label_loc = NA) +
    scale_wetbulb(breaks = seq(25, 30, by = 5), minor_breaks = NULL) +
    geom_grid_vappres(label.size = 5) +
    scale_vappres(breaks = seq(6000, 7000, by = 500), limits = c(6000, 7000)) +
    geom_grid_specvol() +
    scale_specvol(labels = NULL) +


ggpsychro provides 5 new ggplot stats to use together with other common ggplot2 geoms::

Stat Type
stat_relhum Relative humidity
stat_wetbulb Wet-bulb temperature
stat_vappres Vaper pressure
stat_specvol Specific volume
stat_enthalpy Enthalpy

This makes it quick easy to add new elements.

Working together with ggplot2 orignal geoms is as simple as change stat to your variable name of interest.

library(eplusr) # for reading EPW data
epw <- read_epw(file.path(eplus_config(8.8)$dir, "WeatherData/USA_CO_Golden-NREL.724666_TMY3.epw"))

ggpsychro(epw$data()[month %in% 5:8]) +
    geom_grid_relhum() +
    geom_point(aes(dry_bulb_temperature, relhum = relative_humidity/100), stat = "relhum", alpha = 0.1) +
    facet_wrap(~month, labeller = as_labeller(function (x) paste0("Month: ", x)))

ggpsychro(tdb_lim = c(10, 35), hum_lim = c(0, 30)) +
    geom_grid_relhum() +
    geom_grid_wetbulb() +
    # 18 wet-bulb line with dry-bulb from 20 - 30
    geom_line(aes(x = 20:30, wetbulb = 18), stat = "wetbulb")


Hongyuan Jia


The project is released under the terms of MIT License.

Copyright © 2019-2020 Hongyuan Jia


Please note that the ‘ggpsychro’ project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.