
PHP Class for the Strava API (v3)

Primary LanguagePHP


Simple PHP class to interact with Strava's V3 API.


The class simply houses methods to help send data to and recieve data from the API.

Please read the API documentation to see what endpoints are available.

There is currently no file upload support at this time

Getting Started

Include the class and instantiate with your client_id and client_secret from your registered app:

require( 'StravaApi.php' );

$api = new StravaApi( $clientId, $clientSecret );

You will then need to authenticate your strava account by requesting an access code [1]. You can generate a URL for authentication using the following method:

$api->authenticationUrl( $redirect, $approvalPrompt = 'auto', $scope = null, $state = null );

When a code is returned you must then exchange it for an access token for the authenticated user:

$api->tokenExchange( $code );

Example Requests

Get the most recent 100 KOMs from any athlete

$api->get( 'athletes/:id/koms', $accessToken, array( 'per_page' => 100 ) );

Post a new activity [2]

$api->post( 'activities', $accessToken, array( 'name' => 'API Test', 'type' => 'Ride', 'start_date_local' => date( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z' ), 'elapsed_time' => 3600 ) ) );

Update a athlete's weight [2]

$api->put( 'athlete', $accessToken, array( 'weight' => 70 ) );

Delete an activity [2]

$api->delete( 'activities/:id', $accessToken );

Upload an activity [2]

$uploadResponse = $api->post( 'uploads', $accessToken, array( 'activity_type' => 'ride', 'name' => 'upload test', 'description' => 'upload test description', 'data_type' => 'tcx', 'file' => '@/path/to/the/tcx/file/uploadTest.tcx') );


1. The account you register your app will give you an access token, so you can skip this step if you're just testing endpoints/methods.

2. These actions will need the scope set to write when authenticating a user