
My modified version of the bashpodder script


This is my modified version of the bashpodder podcatcher script. The original is available at http://lincgeek.org/bashpodder. I've made the following modifications:

Separate folders for each podcast

Instead of the default behavior of all podcasts downloaded going into the same subdirectory, each podcast will use it's own subdirectory. As such the method of defining podcast feeds in 'bp.conf'. Instead of the standard:


Feeds are defined as:

http://podcastfeedurl.com/rss feeddir

'feeddir' being the subdirectory for that particular feed.

Only filenames placed in log

To prevent redownloading files when only the url has changed, only the filename will be checked instead of the full url.

Playlist rebuilt after every run

Every time the script is run a playlist containing the last files downloaded will be built and placed in the data directory under the name 'latest.m3u'.

Only download the latest file

Rather than attempt to download every file in the feed, only the latest file will be downloaded.