
what about a daily crowed based picture? Socket.io and NodeJs

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


  • plattform for an anon community based picture.
  • Everyone is invited to contribute to be specified limits. in realtime
  • Strict usage of open source pictures. Every picture must be delivered with a source

expected features

  • realtime SVG picture assembling
  • a pic a user at a time, broadcast volatile messages for movements
  • percentual positioning
  • usage of z-index
  • clear copyright rules
  • only landscape mode
  • strict handling of copyrights (maybe use openclipart api?)
  • max amount of objects to be placed
  • daily save and reset of state
  • daily sets and topics -> maybe by news?
  • multilangual
  • multiples picaday
  • daily snapshot and

build in

The Internet is full of creative people. Let's do this!