
Generate a dynamic PAC script that will route traffic to your Burp proxy only if it matches the scope defined in your Burp target.

Primary LanguageJava

Burp PAC Server

This Burp Extension generates a dynamic Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) script that will route traffic to your Burp proxy only if it matches the scope defined in your Burp target, e.g.:

function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {
	var proxy = 'PROXY localhost:8080; DIRECT';
    var simple_scope = [];
    var advanced_scope = [

    // since browsers do no longer allow PAC script to
    // inspect the path and query strings of HTTPS URLs,
    // this script does all its routing based on hostname alone
	for (s in simple_scope)
        // for simple scope, which works with prefixes
        // we need to strip of anything following the third /
        // and compare to the hostname
        if(simple_scope[s].startsWith('https:')) {
            if (simple_scope[s].length > 0 && url.indexOf(simple_scope[s].substring(0, simple_scope[s].indexOf('/', 8))) == 0)
			    return proxy;
        } else {
            // if http we can compare full urls still:
            if (simple_scope[s].length > 0 && url.indexOf(simple_scope[s]) == 0)
			    return proxy;
	for (s in advanced_scope)
		if (advanced_scope[s].enabled && new RegExp(t[s].host).test(host))
			return proxy;
	return 'DIRECT';

To use the Burp PAC Server extension:

  1. Download the JAR from releases in this repository;
  2. In Burp Extender, browse to your downloaded file and add the JAR;
  3. When the extension is loaded and enabled, the PAC server will spin up immediately, and the dynamic script is available on http://localhost:37314/proxy.pac
  4. You can now configure your favorite browser plugin to point to this script, e.g.:
    • FoxyProxy:
      1. Go to FoxyProxy options;
      2. Add a new proxy;
      3. Select "Automatic proxy configuration URL";
      4. Enter the URL http://localhost:37314/proxy.pac
      5. Click View or Test to test the configuration image
    • SwitchyOmega
      1. Go to SwitchyOmega options;
      2. Create a new profile;
      3. Select PAC profile
      4. Enter the URL http://localhost:37314/proxy.pac
      5. Note that in SwitchyOmega, you will need to manually refresh the PAC script every time you make changes to your scope in Burp. image