
🚀 A nice VS Code theme with Senegalese beauty, for coding the world.

MIT LicenseMIT

Taarú 🎨

taaru banner

marketplace version downloads rating

Taarú Night 🌇 screenshot

Taarú Dark 🌚 screenshot

Taarú Teranga ✨ screenshot

Taarú Blueberry 🍇 screenshot

Installation 📥

  1. Open the Extensions sidebar in VS Code. View → Extensions
  2. Search for Taarú, choose Taarú by Daouda BA
  3. Click Install to install it
  4. Navigate to File > Preferences > Color Theme > Taarú or any of the variants listed
  5. And enjoy it 👌🏾

Author 🌟

Daouda BA

🌐 🐤 📩

Created by Daouda BA, developer web/mobile, founder of Galsen Dev from Senegal

You can buy me a coffee ☕ and help the project to grow up 🙌🏾

Buy Me A Coffee

Contributing 🌍

New functionality suggestion or more.. You can tell me here or on Twitter 🐦

Also, you might want to check out the Contributing Guide 🤝🏾

License 🎫

This theme is released under the MIT License

Enjoy! 🙏🏾