
Searching for an unknown word in a dictionary by using voice assistant Bixby

Primary LanguageJavaScript


The goal of our capsule is to help users learn foreign languages. We started with English, because it's estimated that over 1 billion people are currently learning English worldwide. It's a huge market.

The main challenge for us was to find a proper API. We wanted our dictionary to contain not only the translation of a particular word, but also a picture of this word and some examples of its usage. We used SkyEng API. for our capsule.

Our capsule has 2 basic features:

  • searching for a word
  • learning new words

Searching for an unknown word in a dictionary To test this feature type: "Translate dog" (or any other word you want to translate) Screen Shot 2019-04-16 at 11 16 00 PM

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Helping the user to study the words he searched for and also some other new words Every time the user is searching for a new word this word is added to the database, so that the user can learn these words later Screen Shot 2019-04-16 at 11 35 45 PM

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We also added a few extra sets of words for the user to study

To test this feature type: "I want to study new words"