
Turns film links to Trello cards 🍿

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Personal Telegram bot which turns CSFD.cz and KVIFF.TV film links to Trello cards 🍿 Allows me and my wife to use Trello as our "To Watch" list for films. Assumed Trello board structure:

  • First column is an inbox, a "To Watch" list.
  • Any number of "Seen" columns follows, e.g. "Seen in 2024", "Seen in 2023"…
  • Last column is "Archive". If a card is in the inbox for several years, it gets moved out of the way to this archive.


  • Install by Poetry
  • Set TELEGRAM_TOKEN environment variable to the token BotFather gives you
  • Set TRELLO_KEY environment variable to something you get at Trello Power-Ups Admin
  • Set TRELLO_TOKEN environment variable to something you get at Trello Power-Ups Admin, alternatively make a GET request to https://trello.com/1/authorize?expiration=never&scope=read,write&response_type=token&name=film2trello&key=<TRELLO_KEY>, where TRELLO_KEY is the key above.
  • Verify which Trello board you want to use, because the default value for the board ID is set to ours. Override it with --board. Get the ID of your board from its URL, e.g. if the URL of the board is https://trello.com/b/mF7A3n3J/filmy-test, then mF7A3n3J is the ID.
  • Verify which Telegram users you want to allow and how they map to your Trello users, because the default values are set to us. Override it with --user, e.g. --user=119318534:honzajavorek. You can use the option multiple times to allow more users. I don't remember how I've got the Telegram account IDs, ask the internet.
  • Run film2trello bot
  • Stop by Ctrl+C


  • Use Poetry to manage dependencies.
  • Run pytest to test.
  • Run ruff check to lint.
  • Run ruff format to format code.
  • To temporarily turn off production, run flyctl machine stop. To bring it back, run flyctl machine start.


The app runs on Fly.io. Install their flyctl. Then you can do things like flyctl launch --name=film2trello or flyctl deploy. Use the following to prepare the environment:

$ flyctl secrets set TRELLO_KEY=... TRELLO_TOKEN=... TELEGRAM_TOKEN=...

The app also uses GitHub Actions. It needs the TRELLO_KEY, and TRELLO_TOKEN secrets set on the secrets setting page. The rest is in the .github directory.

Automatic Deployment

Set GitHub Actions secret FLY_API_TOKEN to a value you get by running flyctl auth token.
