
T5 Simple

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

t5s - T5 made simple

T5 is a shortcut for the Text-to-text transfer transformer - the pre-trained self-attention network developed by Google (https://ai.googleblog.com/2020/02/exploring-transfer-learning-with-t5.html).


Install via Python PIP directly from GitHub:

pip install git+https://github.com/honzas83/t5s

This will install the t5s library together with it's dependencies: tensorflow, Huggingface Transformers, sklearn etc.


Prepare TSV datasets

Prepare simple tab-separated (TSV) datasets containing two columns: input text \t output text. Split the data into training, development and test data.

Write a simple YAML configuration

The YAML specifies the name of pre-trained T5 model, the SentencePiece model, the names of TSV files and parameters for fine-tuning such as number of epochs, batch sizes and learning rates.

cat > aclimdb.yaml <<EOF
    spm: 'cc_all.32000/sentencepiece.model'

    pre_trained: "t5-base"
    save_checkpoint: "T5_aclImdb"
    save_checkpoint_every: 1

    train_tsv: "aclImdb.train.tsv"
    devel_tsv: "aclImdb.dev.tsv"
    test_tsv: "aclImdb.test.tsv"

        input_size: 3072
        output_size: 256
        min_batch_size: 4
        shuffle_window: 10000

    shared_trainable: False
    encoder_trainable: True

    n_epochs: 20
    initial_epoch: 0

    steps_per_epoch: 10000

    learning_rate: 0.001
    learning_rate_schedule: True

  batch_size: 50
  max_input_length: 768
  max_output_length: 64


Use the script t5_fine_tune.py to fine tune the pre-trained T5 model:

t5_fine_tune.py aclimdb.yaml

The fine-tuning script trains the T5 model and saves it's parameters into a model directory T5_aclImdb. It also stores the training settings in a new YAML file T5_aclImdb.yaml and this configuration could be used in subsequent call to the prediction script.


The t5_predict.py is used to predict using the fine-tuned T5 model, the input could be TSV or a simple TXT file:

t5_predict.py T5_aclImdb.yaml aclImdb.test.tsv aclImdb.test.pred.tsv


The t5s library comes also with a simple script for evaluation of reference and hypothesised TSV files:

eval_tsv.py match aclImdb.dev.tsv aclImdb.dev.pred.tsv

Use from Python code

The whole library could be used directly from Python code, look inside the examples directory. You can start with the ACL IMDB sentiment analysis dataset.

t5s configuration

The configuration consists of different sections:


  • spm - the name of the SentencePiece model


  • pre_trained - the name of the pre-trained model to load for fine-tuning,
  • save_checkpoint - save fine-tuned checkpoints under this name,
  • save_checkpoint_every - integer, which specifies how often the checkpoints are saved, e.g. the value 1 means save every epoch.


  • *_tsv - names of TSV files used as training, development and test sets,
  • loader - specification how to load the training data
    • loader.input_size - maximum number of input tokens in the batch
    • loader.output_size - maximum number of output tokens in the batch
    • loader.min_batch_size - minimum number of examples in the batch. Together with input_size and output_size specifies the maximum length of an input and an output sequence (input_size//min_batch_size, output_size//min_batch_size).
    • loader.group_by - boolean, If True (default) the input/output pairs are groupped into groups with similar lengths. Otherwise, the input/output pairs are mixed to batches containing exactly min_batch_size pairs.


  • shared_trainable - boolean, if True, the parameters of shared embedding layer are trained,
  • encoder_trainable - boolean, if True, the parameters of the encoder are trained,
  • n_epochs - number of training epochs,
  • initial_epoch - number of training epochs already performed, the next epoch will be initial_epoch+1,
  • steps_per_epoch - the length of each epoch in steps, if ommited, the epoch means one pass over the training TSV,
  • learning_rate - initial learning rate for epoch=1
  • learning_rate_schedule - boolean, if True, the sqrt learning rate schedule is used.

Generate hidden state outputs

The Hugginface Transformers library does not allow to generate the hidden states together in the generate() method. The t5s library includes the patched version of _generate_no_beam_search() method which accumulates the hidden states during generation of the output.

import t5s

t5 = t5s.T5(config)
batch = ["input1", "input2"]
output, hidden_states = model.predict(batch, generate_hidden_states=True)

The variable hidden_states is a list of tensors with shape (len(batch), decoded_length, hidden_size). The first item in the list is the output of the output embedding, the outputs of 12 hidden layers follows and the last item is the output logits before applying the output softmax function. In other words for the t5-base architecture the list has 14 items and the hidden_size id 768 except the last logits output which has the same size as the SentencePiece vocabulary.