reicast is a multi-platform Sega Dreamcast emulator.
This is a developer-oriented resource, if you just want bins head over to
The source is a mess, and I need sleep. We had to discover some interesting arm bugs on the cleaned/refactored branch right after the release. Expect a much improved changed folder/make structure soon.
If you are interested into further porting/adapting/whatever, please don't fork off. I hate that. Really.
Let's try to keep everything under a single project :)
Tools required:
- Latest Android SDK
- NDK r8b or newer
- If are not using r9c+, comment the "NDK_TOOLCHAIN_VERSION := 4.8" in shell/android/jni/ and shell/android/xperia/jni/
- Android 4.4 (API 19) & Android 2.3.1 (API 9)
- note that API 9 is hidden (you must check to show obsolete in SDK manager)
- Ant
From project root directory:
export ANDROID_NDK=/ # Type the full path to your NDK here
cd shell/android/
android update project -p . --target "android-19"
ant debug
Tools required:
- Latest Xcode
- An iOS device (reicast will not compile for the iOS Simulator)
- iOS 5.x ~ 7.x
- iOSOpenDev if developing without an official Apple certificate
From project root directory:
cd shell/ios/
xcodebuild -configuration Release
New and updated translations are always appreciated! All we ask is that you not use “regional” phrases that may not be generally understood.
Translations can be submitted as a pull request
Official builds from the reicast ci service can be found at
Additional builds (iOS & android) can be found at angelxwind's buildbot
Well, glad you liked the project so far!
We're currently short on hardware.
If you would like to donate some devices, get in touch at GLES3 capable stuff, some mainstream hardware and rarities would be extremely appreciated. Keep in mind we're located in Greece for the most part
This has been tested/developed on
- Galaxy tab 7.0 Plus
- LG P990
- Archos 10G9
- Some Chinese tablet
- Various development boards
- GCW Zero
We had to buy all of these, except the GCW Zero and a BeagleBone which were donated (Thanks! You rock!)
Apart from that, we don't accept monetary donations right now. We also don't plan to be releasing a premium version at any store. Most of the project has been developed by drk||Raziel (aka, skmp, drk, Raz, etc) but it has been based on the works of multiple people. It would be extremely unfair to charge for it and get all the credit :)
We're planning for an indiegogo campaign later on to help with sustained development and running costs, so follow @reicastdc on twitter for updates
These devices are tested by Karen/angelXwind:
- Apple iPhone 4 GSM Rev0 (N90AP)
- Apple iPhone 4 CDMA (N92AP)
- Apple iPod touch 4 (N81AP)
- Apple iPod touch 3G (N18AP)
- Apple iPhone 3GS (N88AP)
- Sony Xperia X10a (es209ra)
- Amazon Kindle Fire HD 7 (tate-pvt-08)
These devices are tested by contributors regularly:
- Nvidia Shield
- Nexus 5 / 7
- Xperia Play
You can check the currently active committers on the pretty graphs page
Our IRC channel is #reicast @
The original reicast team consisted of drk||Raziel (mostly just writing code), PsyMan (debugging/testing and everything else) and a little bit of gb_away
In previous iterations a lot of people have worked on this, notably David Miller (aka, ZeZu), the nullDC team, friends from #pcsx2 and all over the world :)