
Reference Notes And Curated Content on Programming Topics

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This is a place for sharing my learnings and reference links on a wide array of subjects in programming. I encourage anyone to at least consider creating their own reference information, a sort of 'living journal' for their craft, where they can continue to add notes over time.

The subjects include both those I am acquainted with and those I am eager to pursue learning. I began this project in 2022, and my hope is that I can have all of my notes over time here by the end of the year. The list above is only a portion of the notes I am working on, and as I have more sections which have enough content to be useful, I will add them as links above.

There are seemingly endless resources already available on all of these subjects, so one might ask, "Why do this?" I came to the conclusion that as I wanted to study the areas in programming and really have them stick in my brain, that I learn and retain information better when I write about them. Other benefits for myself include:

  • Internalizing all of the important features of a subject, whether it is a language, framework, pattern, practice, or platform. The very act of writing about them out forces me to think and contemplate about the subject at length. Writing Is Thinking.
  • Removing mystery around the subject. For me at least, mystery often breeds anxiety, so having a full view of the feature landscape eliminates that uneasy feeling that there is functionality available which I do not know about, which I am ignorant of. My aim is to become competent in all areas of interest.
  • Having a home to add my own notes, additional context, explanations, and scenarios where this feature is especially helpful.
  • Include helpful reference links to features that others have also explained, provided sample code for, and expanded upon. I have found that hearing 2 to 3 explanations on a topic from different sources is helpful to gain a more well-rounded view.
  • The ultimate goal of abstract application for the purposes of solving real world problems.

Couple extra goodies: