Install on your own system, or via the official iso image.
# set a font
sudo pacman -S terminus-font
setfont ter-v32n
# format your and mount your partitions. This guide
# mounts the root folder in /mnt. there are many guides
# out there describing how to do this. Try to find a credible
# one. This guide uses a simple boot and root partition After
# partition is mounted at /mnt, continue
# install the basics
sudo pacman -S arch-install-scripts
sudo pacstrap /mnt base base-devel terminus-font
sudo arch-chroot /mnt
# Here is where you want to install your bootloader. Also
# many guides out there about this. Find one that works for
# your hardware.
# use that beautiful terminus font forever by adding /etc/vconsole.conf
# FONT=ter-v32n
nano /etc/vconsole
# uncomment en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8 in /etc/locale.gen
vim /etc/locale.gen
# remember the disk password and change the root password!
pacman -S \
xorg-server \
nvidia \
xorg-server bspwm sxhkd \
xorg-server bspwm sxhkd xscreensaver dmenu \
git \
sxhkd \
feh \
xorg-xrdb \
xorg-xmodmap \
xorg-xsetroot \
xorg-xinit \
chromium \
ttf-droid \
zsh \
terminator \
openssh \
docker \
python \
glances \
firefox \
intel-ucode \
net-tools \
ppp \
docker-compose \
arch-install-scripts \
nautilus \
htop \
whois \
unzip \
linux-headers \
ttf-roboto \
- Install oh-my-zsh
- Optional post installation steps
- Optional nvidia wiki
- Optional
sudo nvidia-xconfig
will automatically configure X11 config if you have an nvidia card
That is it. That's everything I need.