
An implementation of the SECD abstract machine.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


A near-minimal implementation in C of P. J. Landin's 1964 abstract virtual machine.


The barest minimum of Lisp is also implemented to support the machine's execution.

The machine

The machine uses four 8-bit integer registers, S (Stack), E (Environment), C (Control), and D (Dump), and a 256x16-bit-integer memory. The 32 lowest memory locations hold small integers in the range 0, 1, 2, ..., 31. The following 32 memory locations hold other integers as they occur in a script. The cells from 64 and up are used to store cons pairs, with the lowest 8 bits being the cdr and the next 8 bits being the car. That is, the values aren't tagged: instead their location in memory shows their type. The value 0, in the cell #0, stands for both zero, false, and the empty list (it is breakable but mostly works).

The machine can be run using a script in a file, which it executes and then exits, or in a "repl" mode, where the user can input a script piecemeal: the machine executes as many operations as it has been given and then keeps its state waiting for further input. Exit the loop with CTRL-D. Scripts (or script fragments) must be written as Lisp lists within parentheses or square brackets. Symbols can be written in either case: they are read as uppercase.

The basic operations are supported, as well as NIL and T, and some more comparison operators (GT, LT, GEQ), and a couple of utility operations like SWAP (swaps the two values on the top of the stack), UNCONS (splits a cons into two values on the top of the stack) and DUP (duplicates the top value on the stack). A small script repository is in the directory scripts. The scripts are rudimentary and mostly pointless other than as an illustration of execution.

Lisp support

To support the machine, the following Lisp functions have been implemented: cons, car, cdr, rplaca (setf (car ...) ...), rplacd (setf (cdr ...) ...) (not actually used, but included for symmetry), print(value), print(pair), read(value), and read(pair).


Operations are described in terms of the register transitions they cause.

NIL: S E NIL.C D --> 0.S E C D

I.e. pop the NIL opcode off the control register and push 0 onto the stack.

T: S E T.C D --> 1.S E C D

LD (load variable):

S E (LD p.C) D --> (locate(p, E)) E C D -- where p is an (int . int) pair forming an index into the environment

LDC (load constant):

S E (LDC x.C) D --> x.S E C D

ATOM (atomicity predicate):

x.S E ATOM.C D --> t.S E C D -- where t is 1 if x is an atom, otherwise 0

NOT (logical negation):

x.S E NOT.C D --> t.S E C D -- where t is 1 if x is 0, otherwise 0

ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, REM, GT, GEQ, LT, LEQ, EQ (arithmetic and comparison operators):

(x y.S) E op.C D --> (y op x).S E C D

CAR (car operation):

(a.b).S E CAR.C D --> a.S E C D

CDR (cdr operation):

(a.b).S E CDR.C D --> b.S E C D

CONS (cons operation):

(a b.S) E CONS.C D --> (a.b).S E C D

SEL (selection branching):

x.S E (SEL ct cf.C) D --> S E cx C.D -- where cx is ct if x is true, otherwise cf

JOIN (end branching):

S E JOIN.c C.D --> S E C D

LDF (load closure):

S E (LDF f.C) D --> (f.E).S E C D

AP (apply function):

((f.e) v.S) E AP.C D --> 0 (v.e) f (S E C.D)

RTN (return):

x.s e RTN.c (S E C.D) --> x.S E C D

DUM (insert dummy layer in environment):

S E DUM.C D --> S 0.E C D

RAP (apply recursive function):

(f.(0.E)) v.S) 0.E RAP.C D --> 0 rplaca((0.E), v) f (S E C.D) -- where rplaca changes the car of the pair, inserting v

STOP (stop execution):

Just stop and report the value on the top of the stack, as well as the number of ints and conses stored during execution.

SWAP (swap values):

(a b.S) E SWAP.C D --> (b a.S) E C D

UNCONS (undo cons cell):

((a.b).S) E UNCONS.C D --> (a b.S) E C D

DUP (duplicate top value):

x.S E DUP.C D --> (x x.S) E C D

See also