Facts about CSW's Involvement in Bitcoin
Sock puppets and fans
Craig Wright forged contracts and emails
Craig Wright faked a public key signing
Craig Wright faked knowing how to code ASM
Craig Wright lied about owning MtGox' bitcoin
Craig Wright falsely states he doesn't want fame or money
Nik Cubrilovic (security expert): Craig Wright is not Satoshi Nakamoto
Peter Rizun (Bitcoin Unlimited chief scientist): rejects Craig Wright's claim that Bitcoin can be faster than light speed
Charlie Lee (Litecoin inventor): I can't believe some people still think he's Satoshi
Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum inventor) writes 59 tweets about Craig Wright's talk: Craig Wright is crazy.
Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum inventor) refutes Craig Wright's technobabble
Amaury Sechet (Bitcoin ABC lead developer) refutes Craig Wright's technobabble
Peter Rizun (Bitcoin Unlimited chief scientist) calls out Craig Wright lying about him
Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum inventor) stands up at conference and calls Craig Wright a fraud}
Paul Sztorc (TruthCoin's chief scientist) shows how Craig Wright does not know basic math
Andrew O’Hagan (London Review of Books editor) writes about how Craig Wright was paid $15M to claim he was Satoshi to escape financial difficulties
[Craig Wright's mom says he's prone to lying](http://web.archive.org/web/20190212141755/http://archive.fo/kjuLi#selection-1655.0-1655.118]
In 2010, security expert says Craig Wright's writing is "complete drivel and even laughable"
Craig Wright attacks Cornell professor Emin Gün Sirer
Video: A Bitcoin Cash World – Dr. Craig Wright and Jimmy Nguyen: At 23:25, CSW does not appear to know what signed/unsigned integers are
Audio: GQ Releases Hilariously Sweary Audio of Craig Wright Interview
Video: Craig Wright makes nonsensical claims (2014)
Video: Craig Wright claims to be working on AI, and evolutionary code (obviously never happened)
Craig Wright falsely claims secp256k1 can do pairing. See also Vitalik Explaining the topic
Deleted CSW LinkedIn page: 22 pages long
Craig Wright stating that automated copying of his tweets is a breach of DMCA
Threatening to sue Peter McCormack for libel for not calling Craig Wright Satoshi