
Backend do app GoBarber desenvolvido com Nodejs no Bootcamp GoStack

Primary LanguageTypeScript

🚀 GoBarber-Backend 🚀


This project was developed in GoStack Bootcamp from Rocketseat. It is the backend of an application for barbershops named GoBarber. The frontend can be accessed here and the mobile version here.

ObjectiveTechnologiesHow to run the application

💡 Objective

This project allows the customer to make an appointment with a specific barber and the barber can see the appointments of a particular day. This project was developed using DDD, TDD and some SOLID principles.

🚀 Technologies

It was used these technologies in this project.

💻 How to run the application

Pre Requiriments

You will need these tools instaled in your machine:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/yesminmarie/gobarber-backend

# Go into the folder of the project
$ cd gobarber-backend

# Install the dependencies
$ yarn

# Run the migrations
yarn typeorm migration:run

# Run the project in developer mode
yarn dev:server

Made with ❤️ by Yesmin Marie