
This project includes classes and methods that are built to perform various operations on FAs.(Final project for Fundamentals of Computational Theory)

Primary LanguagePython


This project includes classes and methods that are built to perform various operations on FAs.(Final project for Fundamentals of Computational Theory)


Class DFA

This class contains methods that are called on Deterministic Automaton/Automatons.

Method "isAccepted"

By receiving a string, this method determines whether the string is a member of the language or not.

Method "generator"

By receiving the length number, this method Creates all possible strings up to the received length.(Limited SigmaStar)

Method "isEmpty"

Determines whether the FA language is empty or not.

Method "isInfinite"

Determines whether the FA language has an infinite number of members or not.

Method "members_of_language"

Returns all members of the language as an list.

Method "shortest_element"

Prints the shortest member of the language in the output.

Method "longest_element"

Prints the biggest member of the language in the output.

Method "supplement_dfa"

Returns the supplement FA of the current FA.

Method "op"

In this method, the following operations are implemented on two FAs.

***(union,Subscription,the difference)

***Detection of the subset of languages of two finite machines

***Determining that the languages of two finite machines are separate from each other

Note: operation op can be used in two ways: dfa1.op(dfa2) and DFA.op(dfa1,dfa2).

Method "minimizing"

Prints the minimized form of current FA in the output.

Class NFA

This class contains methods that are called on Nondeterministic Automaton/Automatons.

Method "lambda_deleter"

Removes lambda transitions from the transition function.

Method "fa_converter"

Converts NFA to DFA and returns it as an element of DFA class.


For better understanding, some examples are given along with the commands. (all methods covered)