
Why the Web Wants WebAssembly -- Code on the Beach 2019

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Why the Web Wants WebAssembly

Presentation for Code on the Beach 2019


  • webassembly.md and the images directory make up the presentation, which is played through DeckSet https://www.deckset.com
  • The adder directory contains the files for the Adder application
  • The colors directory contains the files for the Colors application
  • The jscolors directory contains the JavaScript implementation of the spin function used in the Colors application


WebAssembly module in wat format to add two numbers

Adder screenshot



$ cd adder
$ make

This will compile the WebAssembly module and start a local web server. Open your browser to http://localhost:8000 and use the arrow keys to increment/decrement the addends.


  • add.wat -- source for the WebAssembly module with a function to add two numbers
  • adder.js -- JavaScript to load the WebAssembly module and set the event listener to call the add function
  • index.html -- page for addend input and sum output
  • main.css -- some amateur styling


Web App in WebAssembly and Rust that displays a triadic color palettes

Colors screenshot



$ cd colors
$ wasm-pack build
$ cd www
$ npm install
$ npm run start

This will compile the WebAssembly module and start a local web server. Open your browser to http://localhost:8080, click the color at the top, select a new color, and watch the other colors update.


Copyright © 2019 Rob Warner

Licensed under the MIT License