In this repository, we have 4 folders named:

✨1- AICup of IUT

✨2- Computer Science Association of IUT

✨3- Sample posters

✨4- Graphics Core of IUT

❗There are posters related to each folder :)

@@ AICup of IUT @@

1- A view of the awards poster:

2- A view of the posters of the tutorial workshops:

✔The basic template of this poster:

✔Final posters (These posters are made from the basic template and a little change has been made to them):

3- A view of the poster of the top teams:

4- A view of the poster of the top teams (This poster is a sample poster):

- Computer Science Association of IUT

1- A view of the critical thinking poster:

2- A view of the Big Data poster:

+ Sample posters

1- A view of the contact us poster: (This poster is made in Instagram dimensions)

! Graphics Core of IUT

1- A view of the road map posters: (This poster is composed of three posters)

✔This was the first poster that we made. This poster is a road map for those who want to work with graphics software.

This poster is made by:

Hoori Dahesh :
            Github: hooridahesh

Diba Mirshafiei:
            Github: dibaaamir