
Use the twitter streaming API and store tweets, users, ... in a NEO4J database

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Use the twitter streaming API and store tweets, users, ... in a NEO4J database.


Local settings

Add to your module a local_settings.py file which contains your twitter API credentials :





Add as well a BROKER_URL to your settings like :

BROKER_URL = "amqp://guest:guest@"

Neo4j settings

This has been tested with Neo4J v2.3.6. After installing it, you need to set the credentials to connect to the server. I recommend adding the credentials to your environment variable : export NEO4J_AUTH=neo4j_user:neo4j_password


Then starting streaming is quite simple: You need to instantiate the streamer :

streamer = Streaming(pipeline=stream_pipeline, batch_size=10)

where :

*stream_pipeline could be whatever you want where you process the tweets. I include a simple example in the utils.py module *batch_size should be the amount of tweets processed at once. I tried with 100, and it works just fine.

Then you need to start streaming:


This will generate messages to your broker. To consume them, simply start celery like that :

celery -A twitter worker -l info -Q streaming -n streaming