
Persian Data Hub

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Parsi Hub


Welcome to the best Persian dataset hub!! Here you can find the information for many different Persian flavored datasets. You can use these datasets for your Machine Learning or Deep Learning applications. Here, we will put our best effort into verifying the information for each of these datasets to ensure the information provided are valid and reliable. Anyone can contribute to this repository by sharing ideas in our discussion forum or by creating pull requests for us to include more datasets in this repository. For a complete guide on how to make pull requests and how to take part in our discussion please read our rules file and also our pinned discussion.

We look forward to hear from all of you and try our best to make this repository as comprehensive and as accurate as possible. This of course can not be done without your kind contributions. Just please note that the purpose of this repository is to gather information of various Persian-based datasets and has no claim, whatsoever, on these datasets, nor we are responsible for the accuracy of these datasets. However, we will try to verify the information for each dataset to the extent possible.


This repo is maintained by the following person(s) and a bunch of awesome contributors.

Mohammad Gharachorloo Mohammad Gharachorloo
Mohammad Gharachorloo Mehrdad Farahani


Apache License 2.0