
Display particle systems created by Particle Designer (or other Cocos2d particle engines) inside of HAXE OPENFL2 粒子特效引擎

Primary LanguageHaxeGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Rework of http://code.google.com/p/haxe-particle-designer/

As Tilesheet of openfl do not support rotation, alpha, scale and RGB under flash target, BitmapData.Draw will be used instead of Tilesheet, and it will be shown only above (0,0)

Install via haxelib with

haxelib git asparticles https://github.com/hoothin/asparticles
var particles = ASParticleSystem.particleWithFile("fire.plist", "particles/");

Call destroy while complete


U can do sth before add a particle

particles.beforeAddCallBack = function(a){particles.sourcePosition.x = a*500;};