A small nodejs/expressjs server application that lets a user create unique short URL's.
This project was created by me, Hope! as part of my learnings at Lighthouse Labs.
- tinyApp repo can be found at
- Install all dependencies (using the
npm install
command). - Run the development web server using the
node express_server.js
command. - Open your web browser to
- Register as many new user e-mail and password as you'd like. Each user will have their own specific short urls data
- Create your very own short URL's
- Anyone on the local host can access the created short URL's by going to
- helpersTest.js
helperTest function that would use mocha to test functionality
- express_server.js
creates a server for tinyApp to run
- helpers.js
modularized helper function file
- package.json
npm initialized json file
- package-lock.json
info on dependecies
- _header.ejs
header ejs file for html rendering
- urls_index.ejs
html page for created short urls
- urls_login.ehs
html page for login
- urls_new
html page for creating a new shot URL
- urls_register.ejs
html page for registering a new account
- urls_show.ejs
html page to show connection between short and long URL's