
A cute cli for developer.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

What's this?

It's a cute cli tool for font-end developers.

It can help front-end engineers start project without configuring webpack or others.

For now, this tool focus on fe developing.

All Qute Orders

qute docsite-*

  • orders

    • qute docsite-serve [targetPath] [-m, --multi] [-i, --show-index]

      Lanch current directory as a website.

      • [-m, --multi]

        Each subdirectory will be lanched as a single website by default

      • [-i, --show-index]

        If dirname matches /^\d*-/, such as 0-README.md, the site will not show 0- but show README by default.

        If you want to show 0-, just add this param.

      • [targetPath]

        target directory. ./ by default.

    • qute docsite-push [branch] [-m, --multi] [-i, --show-index](beta and take care!)

      It will push current directory to github.

      • branch

        The target remote git branch. gh-pages by default.

      • [-m, --multi]

        Each subdirectory will be pushed as a single website by default.

      • [-i, --show-index]

        If dirname matches /^\d*-/, such as 0-README.md, the site will not show 0- but show README by default.

        If you want to show 0-, just add this param.

  • config files

    • .repo Tell docsite what is this project's repo
    • .sidebarshowignore files that should not be shown in sidebar (It will be reached by url)
    • .sidebarfileignore files that should not be created when creating docsite website (It will not be reached by url)
    • .navbarignore files that should not be shown in navbar
    • README.md project readme.
    • _sidebar.md user defined sidebar. Only work in default mode, not --multi mode
    • _navbar.md user defined navbar. Only work in default mode, not --multi mode


  • 1.0.1

    update readme

  • 1.0.0

    first publish