
ESP8266 SDK Code for uploading data to Google Form

Primary LanguageC

An ESP8266 SDK Firmware with AT command to submit data to Google Form.


  • Directly submitting data to Google Form.
  • SSL implemented for submitting data (As Google forced it)




<Google_form_ID> = Your Google Form ID

<Total_entries_n> = Total entries that will be submitted to Google Form, usually this equals to how many text box/input in your form

<Entry_n_data> = Data to be submitted, must in the form of name and value pair, i.e.: entry.1335153026=data_for_this_entry


Execute the following command to submit the Google Form



  • Try not to put big (lengthy) data, the ESP8266 does not have much RAM after we used the SSL library
  • Request packet buffer size is 224, could be changed in at_gformCmd.c, but it is recommended not to modify the value.
  • SSL buffer size is 4608, could be changed in at_gformCmd.c, but it is recommended not to modify the value.
  • Comma (,) is not allowed in any fields including <Google_form_ID>, <Entry_n_data>
  • Remember to put \r\n after each command (complies with the original AT FW specifications)


  • Application may reset when sending command too fast
  • Need to add packet echo to avoid data drop (very weird)