
Synthetic diagnostic for line-integrated plasma density

Primary LanguagePython

Synthetic line-integrated density diagnostic for DREAM

This repository cotnains a synthetic diagnostic for line-integrated density measurements, designed specifically for DREAM.

Example use

The synthetic diagnostic has a number of interfaces which are suitable in different cases.


Calculate the line-integrated density corresponding to a given density profile. Input parameters:

  • ne: Vector of densities to integrate.
  • r: Radial grid corresponding to ne.
  • equilibrium: Equilibrium object to do the integration in.
  • x0: Detector position.
  • nhat: Detector viewing direction.
  • epsrel: Relative tolerance to use for integration.
  • l1: First point of intersection between line-of-sight and plasma. Optional; if not provided it is calculated automatically.
  • l2: Second point of intersection between line-of-sight and plasma. Optional; if not provided it is calculated automatically.
from DREAM import DREAMOutput
import LineIntegratedDensity as LID
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import sys

def main():
    do = DREAMOutput('output.h5')
    eq = LID.LUKEEquilibrium(do.settings.radialgrid.num_filename)

    # Diagnostic position
    x0 = [.9030, 0, 0.65]
    # Diagnostic line-of-sight
    nhat = [0, 0, -1]

    r = do.grid.r[:]
    t = do.grid.t[:]
    nel = np.zeros((t.size,))
    l1, l2 = eq.find_intersections(x0, nhat)

    for i in range(t.size):
        ne = do.eqsys.n_cold[i,:]
        nel[i] = LID.integrate(ne, r, eq, x0, nhat, l1=l1, l2=l2)

    plt.plot(t, nel)
    plt.ylabel('Line-integrated density (m$^{-2}$)')

if __name__ == '__main__':


Calculate the line-integrated density for a given subset of (or all) time points in a DREAMOutput object.

Input parameters:

  • do: The DREAMOutput object to integrate.
  • x0: Detector position.
  • nhat: Detector viewing direction.
  • nthreads: Number of threads to parallelize over.
  • t: Subset of time indices to integrate.
from DREAM import DREAMOutput
import LineIntegratedDensity as LID
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import sys

def main():
    do = DREAMOutput('output.h5')

    # Diagnostic position
    x0 = [.9030, 0, 0.65]
    # Diagnostic line-of-sight
    nhat = [0, 0, -1]

    nel = LID.integrate_dream(do, x0, nhat, nthreads=8)

    plt.plot(do.grid.t, nel)
    plt.ylabel('Line-integrated density (m$^{-2}$)')

if __name__ == '__main__':