
Convert HEIC/HEIF images to JPEG, PNG in browser

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Convert HEIC/HEIF images to JPEG, PNG in browser using Javascript.

Inspired by heic2any and libheif-web. The purpose of heic-to is to continuously follow up on releases of libheif to be able to preview HEIC/HEIF images in browser.

Currently, heic-to is using libheif 1.18.2 under the hood.


Check whether the image is HEIC or not

import { isHeic } from "heic-to"

const file = field.files[0]
await isHeic(file)

Convert HEIC to JPEG/PNG

import { heicTo } from "heic-to"

const file = field.files[0]

const jpeg = await heicTo({
  blob: file,
  type: "image/jpeg",
  quality: 0.5

const png = await heicTo({
  blob: file,
  type: "image/png",
  quality: 0.5

Development guide

How to fast test your changes on local?

yarn s

This will open for easy testing.

How to build libheif.js from libheif on Mac

brew install cmake make pkg-config x265 libde265 libjpeg libtool
brew instll emscripten

git clone git@github.com:strukturag/libheif.git

Did below changes from build-emscripten.sh

# EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=$($EMSDK/upstream/bin/llvm-nm $LIBHEIFA --format=just-symbols | grep "^heif_\|^de265_\|^aom_" | grep "[^:]$" | sed 's/^/_/' | paste -sd "," -)
EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=$(/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm/bin/llvm-nm $LIBHEIFA --format=just-symbols | grep "^heif_\|^de265_\|^aom_" | grep "[^:]$" | sed 's/^/_/' | paste -sd "," -)

Start building

cd libheif
mkdir buildjs
cd buildjs
USE_WASM=0 ../build-emscripten.sh ..