
Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT


A small tool that transforms raw crypto transactions into an accounting and reporting friendly format.

The tool currently offers:

  • FIFO and LIFO accounting
  • flexible reporting currency (EUR/USD/etc.)
  • flexible number precision
  • automatic lookup of reference prices via coinapi

Please note that CryptoTax is experimental and has not yet reached version 1. Please do not use the tool for tax reporting.


CryptoTax 0.1.0
Tim Hopp
Processes transaction statements into capital gains statements

    capital_tax.exe [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

        --clear      Clears the price cache
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -c, --config <config_path>    Config file
    -i, --input <input_path>      Transaction file to process
    -o, --output <output_path>    Capital Gains Statement to write

Example Files


An example configuration file for the CryptoTax generation. The file defines a base currency, an accounting method (FIFO), precision, and an API key for one API (coinapi). See config.yaml.

  base_asset: "EUR"
  method: "FIFO"
  currency_precision: 0.00000001
    coinapi: "73034021-THIS-IS-SAMPLE-KEY"

Input file

A file that lists some real-world crypto transactions. See transactions.csv.

Output file

This file contains our transactions restructured into a format better suited for tax reporting. The file also contains asset prices, losses and gains. See cashflows.csv.

Price cache

To save API calls, the CryptoTax program stores prior price queries in a local cache file. See .price_cache.

Run the Example

  1. Replace the API key in config.yaml with a valid key.

  2. Run the commands from the repo root directory:

cd ./docs/example
rm .price_cache cashflows.csv
cargo run --manifest-path ../../Cargo.toml -- -c config.yaml -i transactions.csv -o cashflows.csv
  1. Observe the console output. See output.txt.
Processing record #1
Processing record #2
Processing record #3
--- running price query: BNB/EUR, 2021-03-18T12:43:12Z
--- success: price = 223.01685521866412
--- 98 API calls left
Processing record #4
--- running price query: USDT/EUR, 2021-03-18T16:23:30Z
--- success: price = 0.8377969550721581
--- 99 API calls left
Processing record #5
--- running price query: USDT/EUR, 2021-03-18T16:48:56Z
--- success: price = 0.8386905588345689
--- 97 API calls left

  1. Inspect the output files.