
Calculate player ratings by WHR from game records in EXCEL

Primary LanguageRuby

棋賽排名榜 Player Ranks

根據棋賽結果,以 WHR 算法計算棋手的排名榜。 Based on game records stored in EXCEL, to calculate player ranks by WHR algorithm.

安裝 Install ruby for macOS

brew install ruby

安裝 Install gems

gem install optparse
gem install roo
gem install whole_history_rating

用法 Usage

ruby ./whr.rb
Usage: ruby whr.rb [options] {file|folder}
        --change VARIANCE            Variance of rating change over one time step
        --min-rank ELO               Acceptable player rank
        --handicap HANDICAP          Acceptable maximum handicap
        --elo DIFFERENCE             Acceptable maximum elo difference
        --adjust WEIGHT              Weight to adjust handicap difference
        --played GAMES               Minimum games played to be listed
        --record                     Output game records
        --latest                     Output latest players elo
        --chrono                     Output players elo in chrono order

測試 Test

mkdir -p test
cp ./data/Game-Record-20231010.xlsx ./test/

ruby ./whr.rb --latest test/Game-Record-20231010.xlsx > test/Rank-20231010-latest.csv
ruby ./whr.rb --chrono test/Game-Record-20231010.xlsx > test/Rank-20231010-chrono.csv

© 2023 Horace Ho